Meta & Fysikken: Afsnit 70: Klima og klodens tilstand

Vi tager lige en status på klodens tilstand, her Oktober 2022.

1: Globale Opvarmning:

The worst projection for climate change in 2022, is that the chance for the average global temperature to rise above 1.5°C has increased to almost 50% for the next five year period between 2022 and 2026.

2: Tørke i Europa.

I Italien var Gardasøen 1 m lavere pga tørken.

Det regnede 1 dag helt vildt mens vi var der. Det gav søen 5 cm mere vand.

Floderne løb tørre i Tyskland, med erindrings sten tørlagt, der spående om hungersnød.

Atomkraftværkerne ligger alle på floder eller havet. De kan ikke køre, hvis ikke der er vand til at køl ned med.

Atomkraft: Jeg er stadigvæk for atomkraft, men det giver strøm og ikke varme. Heller ikke super hvis Rusland er der hvor Uran kan købes.

3: Oversvømmelse i Pakistan

(4 gange mere end normalt, var forstærket af La Niña )

Like in 2010, the El Niño Southern Oscillation this year appears to be in its La Niña phase. This phase has led to higher rainfall in South Asia in the past.

This year’s floods, meanwhile, have occurred mainly because of torrential monsoon rains in Sindh and Balochistan, in the south of Pakistan. The deluge, almost four times the long-term average, began in mid-June and continued through August. (ordbog: A deluge is a large downpour of rain, often a flood.)

4: Nordstream lækker metan gas ud

Hvad fanden i helvede....

Nå skal man så brænde det af for at få CO2 istedet for Methan ud i atmosfæren? Fucking hell.

5: Deep dive om vejret i USA

Death Valley, the hottest and driest place in the US just saw the 4th 1-in-1,000 year rain event in less than 2 weeks in the US.

3/4 of Death Valley’s annual rainfall fell in 3 hours.

(the 4 1-in-1,000 year rain events: St Louis on July 25-26, Eastern Kentucky on July 28, Southern Illinois on August 2 and now Death Valley on August 5th).