Meta & Fysikken: Afsnit 37: Lysets hastighed plus diverse nyheder

Denne gang gennemgår vi spørgsmålet om lysets hastighed. Kan man overhovedet rejse i et rumskib med lysets hastighed? Kan man overgå lysets hastighed? Derudover gennemgår vi aktuelle nyheder af relevans.

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1: Er der en lækage fra et atomkraftværk?

22 /23 June 2020, RN #IMS station SEP63 #Sweden

detected 3isotopes; Cs-134, Cs-137 & Ru-103 associated w/Nuclear fission @ higher than usual levels (but not harmful for human health). The possible source region in the 72h preceding detection is shown in orange on the map. These are certainly nuclear fission products, most likely from a civil source,” a spokeswoman for the Vienna-based CTBTO said, referring to the atomic chain reaction that generates heat in a nuclear reactor.

Screenshot 2020-06-29 at 09.38.40.png

2: 37° grader i Siberien:

3: Det regner med plastik!

“Several studies have attempted to quantify the global plastic cycle but were unaware of the atmospheric limb,” Brahney said. “Our data show the plastic cycle is reminiscent of the global water cycle, having atmospheric, oceanic, and terrestrial lifetimes.” 

Most of the plastics deposited in both wet and dry samples were microfibers sourced from both clothing and industrial materials. Approximately 30% of the particles were brightly colored microbeads, but not those commonly associated with personal care products, these microbeads were acrylic and likely derived from industrial paints and coatings. Other particles were fragments of larger pieces of plastic. The report notes, “This result, combined with the size distribution of identified plastics, and the relationship to global-scale climate patterns, suggest that plastic emission sources have extended well beyond our population centers and, through their longevity, spiral through the Earth system.”  

4: Danske firmaer går sammen om at lave syntetisk brændstof:

These Danish companies have an ambitious plan to create hydrogen for fuel

5: NASA har en toilet designkonkurence:

Getting back to the Moon by 2024 is an ambitious goal, and NASA is already working on approaches to miniaturize and streamline the existing toilets.  But they are also inviting ideas from the global community, knowing that they will approach the problem with a mindset different from traditional aerospace engineering.  This challenge hopes to attract radically new and different approaches to the problem of human waste capture and containment.

Lunar gravity = 1/6 of Earth's

6: Jordens Magnetfelt er svagere over Sydamerika/ Afrika. 

Det bevæger sig med 20 km per år og er kendt fra 70’erne. Det er ved at dele sig i 2.

Similar fluctuations occurred in the years 400-450 CE, 700-750 CE, and 1225-1550 CE – and the fact that there's a pattern tells us that the position of the South Atlantic Anomaly isn't a geographic fluke.

"We're getting stronger evidence that there's something unusual about the core-mantel boundary under Africa that could be having an important impact on the global magnetic field,"