Meta & Fysikken: Afsnit 80: Diverse nyheder

Vi tager lige en runde med nyheder, fordi der bare sker en masse spændende indenfor alle de områder vi beskæftiger os med, her på Meta & Fysikken.

1: Starship Launch

2: Airbus har et nyt Rumstations design:

3: En plante styrer en robot arm:

4: Internettet er nu 30 år!


Vi kommer ikke uden om at snakke lidt om AI igen i dag. (sorry)

1: Googles nye søgemaskine (dødstød til online presse/medier)

Google's new AI-powered search interface, dubbed "Search Generative Experience," or SGE for short, involves a feature called "AI Snapshot." Basically, it's an enormous top-of-the-page summarization feature. Ask, for example, "why is sourdough bread still so popular?" — one of the examples that Google used in their presentation — and, before you get to the blue links that we're all familiar with, Google will provide you with a large language model (LLM) -generated summary. Or, we guess, snapshot.

"If this actually works and is implemented in a firm way," wrote RPG Site owner Alex Donaldson, "this is literally the end of the business model for vast swathes of digital media lol."

At the end of the day, there are a lot of questions that Google needs to answer here, not the least being that AI systems, Google's included, spew fabrications all the time.

2: Google musik AI: (delegeret til Anders)

Text beskrivelse bliver til musik

3: Bard


4: Kan AI blive så intelligent som os?


5: 300 mill. arbejdspladser kan overtages af AI

Og her en mere positiv vinkel på det samme:

“This new generation of AI will remove the drudgery of work and unleash creativity,” said Satya Nadella, Chairman and CEO, Microsoft. "There's an enormous opportunity for AI-powered tools to help alleviate digital debt, build AI aptitude, and empower employees."


6: For Musk er ChatGPT too woke:

“ I'm going to start something which I call 'TruthGPT' or a maximum truth-seeking AI that tries to understand the nature of the universe,"


7: Skal vi stoppe AI ?

In one conversation reported by the New York Times, Bing is said to have spoken about how an evil “shadow version” of itself could be capable of hacking into websites and social media accounts to spread misinformation and propaganda, generating harmful fake news. It even went as far as saying that it might one day be capable of manufacturing a deadly virus or stealing the codes to launch nuclear weapons.

These responses were so concerning – mainly because no one really understood why it was saying them – that Microsoft quickly imposed limits to stop it.

Another potential warning signal comes via a project known as ChaosGPT. This is an experiment deliberately aiming to explore ways in which AI might try and destroy humanity – by encouraging it to develop them.

One “end of the world” scenario explored by Yudkowsky involves an AI effectively tricking humans into giving it the power and to enact widespread destruction. This might involve working with several different, unconnected groups of people, all of whom are unaware of the others, and persuading them all to enact its plan in a modular way.



“we should not scale up before we know if we can control it “


9: Dommedags scenario: AGI

artificial general intelligence

AGI is a very real threat, and human society isn't doing nearly enough to stop it — or, at the very least, isn't ensuring that AGI will be properly aligned with human values and safety.

To support his theory, the researcher pointed to a recent Microsoft study arguing that OpenAI's large language model GPT-4 is already showing "sparks" of AGI


10: Microsoft Researchers Claim GPT-4 Is Showing "Sparks" of AGI

"We believe that GPT-4's intelligence signals a true paradigm shift in the field of computer science and beyond."

The research paper:

11: Reguleringer:

A) Ekspertgruppen skal komme med en rapport til foråret 2024. Til den tid er situationen helt sikkert en anden.

B) Vandmærke

Google’s new image search tools could help you identify AI-generated fakes /

This summer, Google reverse image searches will be able to tell you when it indexed a picture the first time, and metadata tags can help identify AI-generated pictures.

C) Verdens ubestridt rigeste fond kræver nu et politisk indgreb for at få fastsat regler for brugen af kunstig intelligens.

Topchefen for den norske oliefond, som i gennemsnit ejer 1,5 procent af samtlige børsnoterede selskaber i verden, efterlyser hurtig handling fra politikerne.

D) European Parliament: #AI #Act -

On Thursday (May 11, 2023) #IMCO (Internal Market Committee) and #LIBE (Civil Liberties Committee) adopted a draft #negotiating #mandate on the first ever rules for Artificial Intelligence with 84 votes in favour, 7 against and 12 abstentions.

Before #negotiations with the #Council on the final form of the law can begin, this draft negotiating mandate #needs to be #endorsed by the #whole Parliament, with the vote expected during the 12-15 June session.

(144 sider langt…

Prohibited #AI practices

MEPs substantially amended the list to include #bans on intrusive and discriminatory uses of AI systems such as:

➡️ Real-time” remote biometric identification systems in publicly accessible spaces;

➡️ “Post” remote biometric identification systems, with the only exception of law enforcement for the prosecution of serious crimes and only after judicial authorization;

➡️ Biometric categorisation systems using sensitive characteristics (e.g. gender, race, ethnicity, citizenship status, religion, political orientation);

➡️ Predictive policing systems (based on profiling, location or past criminal behaviour);

➡️ Emotion recognition systems in law enforcement, border management, workplace, and educational institutions; and

➡️ Indiscriminate scraping of biometric data from social media or CCTV footage to create facial recognition databases (violating human rights and right to privacy).

#High-#risk #AI

MEPs expanded the classification of high-risk areas to include harm to people’s health, safety, fundamental rights or the environment. They also added AI systems to influence voters in political campaigns and in recommender systems used by social media platforms (with more than 45 million users under the Digital Services Act) to the high-risk list.

#General-#purpose #AI

MEPs included obligations for #providers of #foundation models who would have to guarantee robust protection of fundamental rights, health and safety and the environment, democracy and rule of law. They would need to #assess and #mitigate #risks, comply with design, #information and environmental requirements and #register in the EU database.

Generative foundation models, like #GPT, would have to comply with additional #transparency #requirements, like disclosing that the content was generated by AI, designing the model to prevent it from generating illegal content and publishing summaries of copyrighted data used for training.

Supporting #innovation and #protecting #citizens' rights

✅ To boost AI innovation, MEPs added #exemptions to these rules for #research activities and AI components provided under #open-#source licenses.

✅ MEPs want to boost citizens’ #right to file #complaints about AI systems and receive #explanations of decisions based on high-risk AI systems that significantly impact their rights.

✅ MEPs also reformed the role of the EU AI #Office, which would be tasked with #monitoring how the AI rulebook is implemented