Meta & Fysikken: Afsnit 72: Artemis 1

Vi var lidt hårdt ramt af tekniske forstyrrelser, så dette afsnit er kort!

Vi snakker om Artemis 1 / Orion månemissionen. Hvad venter os? Har kineserne allerede en base deroppe, som vi ikke kender noget til? Vi konspirerer lidt og taler om hvad vi kan forvente os af de kommende missioner….

1: Artemis

Artemis I will be the first un-crewed flight test of the Space Launch System rocket and the Orion spacecraft. The flight paves the way toward landing the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon!

Where is NASA’s Orion Spacecraft now? You can track its journey to the Moon in real time using AROW, the #Artemis Real-Time Orbit Website.

kl 9:16 21.11.22 var den 20 000 km fra maanen. Den har vaeret undervejs i 5 dage.

Jord maane afstand: 384,400 km

The outbound powered flyby will begin at 7:44 a.m., with Orion’s closest approach to the Moon targeted for 7:57 a.m., when it will pass about 80 miles above the lunar surface. Engineers expect to lose communication with the spacecraft as is passes behind the Moon for approximately 34 minutes starting at 7:26 a.m. The Goldstone ground station, part of NASA’s Deep Space Network, will acquire the spacecraft once it emerges from behind the Moon.

Orion flyver til maanen men lander ikke. Saa flyver den 2 gange rundt om den og kommer saa hjem igen i stillehavet 11.12.22

Artemis II: samme rute nu med mennesker

Artemis III: Transit from Gateway to Lunar Surface.

2: First draft of a future mission to investigate interstellar asteroids

We finally have the technological means to detect interstellar objects. We've detected two in the last few years, 'Oumuamua and 2I/Borisov, and there are undoubtedly more out there.

Part of what makes an interstellar visitor mission interesting is that interstellar visitors are so weird. Borisov acted like a typical comet once it entered the Solar System, but 'Oumuamua was a different beast entirely.

It never developed a cometary tail, as many scientists expected it to. It also exhibited acceleration that didn't seem to be accounted for by radiative or other means, leading some prominent scientists to claim it might have even been an alien probe.

The best way to combat such fanciful claims is to closely examine them. And to do that, we have to have a mission that can catch it. But first, we would have to see it, and astronomers are already working on that.

Stay in L2 orbit and wait for one to be observed. Once the ISI reaches the ISO, it can then begin close-quarters observation, including a full spectroscopic map of both natural and artificial materials, which might help settle the debate about whether such objects are alien-made probes. It could also monitor for any outgassing that could explain the mysterious forces acting on 'Oumuamua.

3: Space force Drone 2.5 years in space:

"This mission highlights the Space Force's focus on collaboration in space exploration and expanding low-cost access to space for our partners, within and outside of the Department of the Air Force," said General Chance Saltzman, chief of space operations.

Launched in secrecy, the X-37B was designed for the Air Force by United Launch Alliance, a joint venture between Boeing and Lockheed Martin.

It is 9 meters long, has a 4.5m wingspan and is powered by solar panels.

Before the shuttle's last launch, in May 2020, the Pentagon evoked a series of scientific experiments it would undertake.

The mission was to test how certain materials react in space, to evaluate how ambient radiation in space affects a series of seeds, and to transform solar radiation into radio-electric energy, the army said